The art of glassmaking
is one of the finest and noblest of the arts;
and the Wonderful it includes in its matter and structure,
as in various colors,
that can be used to it,
seem so beautiful and so strange, ;
that they awoke in us a desire to study
their foundations and to investigate their
most hidden secrets.
Haudicquer de Blancourt
furnace - of Blancourt.
Haudicquer of Blancourt, J.
The art of glass where you learn to make glass, crystal, & email.
The way to do pearls, precious stones, porcelain, & mirrors.
The method of painting on glass & enamel.
pull the color of metals, minerals, herbs & flowers.
Aus New expanded edition. 2 Bde. Mit
gefalt 8. Kupfertafeln. Paris, C. Jombert 1718. Zweite Ausgabe
of erstmal 1697 erschienene Werkes über die Glasherstellung.
Kupfertafeln Die mit und Schmelzofen Arbeitsgeräten.

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