The Friedrich
are a significant German Bohemian glass-making sex.
From its origin at the end of the High Middle Ages in Northern Bohemia, to the widely-used branches were always members of this family in the glass industry operates.
form so that they are probably the oldest known glass-making family in the world.
Something related to Friedrich-name meaning:
of Old High German:
»Fridu = peace, protection, security (Old High German) rihhi = rich, powerful, power, rule, ruler (Old High German).
old German two-part name in the Middle Ages known as the name of several German rulers, such as Frederick the Great (18th century)
"the rich, the powerful, the peace-blessed
Famous people:
Frederick Barbarossa (king)
"Frederick the Great (King of Prussia)
" Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher (, Essayist, poet, composer)
»Friedrich Schiller (poet, writer)
Frederick Frederick Frederick Fridolin Frederic Fred Frederic Fred Frederick Federico Federigo Fridurich Frithareiks Frederik Fredrik Fredy Freriks Fryderyk Bedrich Freddie Fredrick Frederico Fritz Fredi Fiete
female forms:
Spitz and nicknames:
fritz , Fiete, Fidi, Fyodor Fedot, Fidler, frido, fredi, Friedo, Fiete, Fritschki, Friedel, Fidich, Freddy, Frederick, fredo, Fedka,
The name Fritz is a short form of Frederick and also means Peaceful ruler.
Fritz, later of Fritz was also a glass-making sex, in Alsace, Bohemia, Tyrol, Switzerland,
Prussia, Saxony, Austria, France, Baden and Württember, had their dissemination.
usually in connection with Greiner families.
To keep the glass maker in the bar they were ennobled by the authorities
to avoid so that their migration. Even in these families.
There are enough examples from Venice, France and Germany.
The Friedrich:
discovered in the 1990s, archaeologists in the deserted village in northern Bohemia Friedrich a glass factory, which worked in 1250. Without doubt, this place owes its name to the locator and the first overseer Friedrich.
The first known record of a Frederick's glass works dating from 1433rd
North Bohemia remained until 1689, when her famous cottage in Oberkreibitz (Horní Chr (ibská) in other hands was one of the most important sphere of the glass artist Friedrich. Oberkreibitz was the leading glass factory at the time of the Central European Renaissance glass. Martin Friedrich the Younger at that time advanced to the glass master of the Elector of Brandenburg
and the art-loving Emperor Rudolf II
Like all families, the glassmaker Frederick were wanderlustig. They are therefore found in almost all glass centers of modern times, especially in eastern Central Europe. In today's ten European countries are or were members of the family Friedrich worked as a glassmaker. Their overseer dynasties in Silesia, the County Glatz and eastern Bohemia, in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Tyrol and Lower Styria written history of glass.
Significant descendants:
* Martin Friedrich the Younger (c. 1550-1612),
overseer in Oberkreibitz and glass masters of Emperor Rudolf II and
of Elector Joachim Friedrich (Brandenburg)
Haenke Thaddeus, 1761-1816.
* Squidward Haenke (1761-1816), explorer and polymath (including geographer, botanist, astronomer, chemist, musician and philosopher)
* Friedrich Eger (1777-1864), glass painting, glass technologist and entrepreneur.
Walter A. Friedrich: The roots
the North Bohemian glass industry and the glass-making family Friedrich.
Fürth 2005 self-published. ISBN 3-00-015752-2
Glasmacher Friedrich

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