I'm still alive !!!!! ... But going under construction!! Commissions, Filzkurse, spin classes ... and: the TV was there !!!!! (More will not tell ;-)) !!!!!!!!
I wanted more and wanted to have posted vieeel vieeeel done more, but I do not know right now, how do I take the time ....
Thank you for your very veeery good wishes to my opening (which was very beautiful!)! Also it (from the "implementation" of your desires), there will be some pictures - I promise - but only if it got a bit quiet .....
here first a few impressions / a little Christmas greeting from me, which brings a little Christmas spirit here in my blog ...
this "treasure" is waiting in the studio to a new home .... times look here!! It would be great if he could make someone somewhere joy (have him for the shooting as a "backdrop" made - but .... at home already own ...) And more
"backdrop for the Christmas atmosphere" ;-)

and Finally, a (n) Advent / Advent spiral of special that I wanted to work in the remember in the last year and admired not resist, could also produce for us at home .... a great idea !!!!!

who has not seen enough pictures, just click here ! For me it is easier and vieeeeel even faster if I upload the photos of my ideas and work in my website gallery! This is updated constantly! Have fun browsing!
And finally something in their "own thing" .... On Saturday and Sunday, 15 +16.01.2011 place in my studio instead of a Jana's spin rates for fancy yarns ! Would be great if we would meet there !!!!! Click here for more information!! sends
love (caught a cold) Advent greetings to you all, Steph ☆ ☆
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