Game Design the example of a microwave
This blog entry is an ode to the (interface) designers in our office microwave (right). Thanks to him we now have no more standing around a vile kitchen appliance, no, in the kitchen waiting for a game console at its best. Pure power is guaranteed by each operation, because, as at the end the result is always open. In sharp contrast to a dull microwave of 1990 (photo left) Twenty years later, the food preparation
using a sophisticated interface finally become a process of stimulating the senses.
But how has it managed the designer us to entertain so clever. Therefore, a brief analysis of the three best decisions at the game design of this microwave:
design trick No. 1:
icons make deliberately ambiguous. The player may earn by slowly try a combination of symbol and function. If a Wellensysmbol for the microwave, or at least for the grill?
is particularly enhanced this feature with a clever punishment principle, the player is mistaken in assigning either explodes the microwave dish in the grill or grill stand operation produces stunning lightning in the microwave operation. Rounding out this design highlight the use of known symbols in the wrong context, For example, a radioactive symbol refers to this device for the circulating air. A miracle that no gas masks were provided.
design trick No. 2:
Three buttons for two functions. This is a modification of the tried and true shell game. To stop or start the microwave oven is basically correct one of three buttons, but the player never knows which button is the right one. Through a complex AI made sure that the feeling never comes up, the keys have a unique assignment. This will ensure that if an incorrect number of players enjoy his mistake as long as can until someone pulls the plug from the wall.
design trick No. 3:
show the user: it feels to be a bomber, who perfected time fuse. The player is suggested to enter the time was consistent. This is achieved by for any form of time entering the same numeric keypad is used. In truth, however, was also a trick built to increase the tension. Depending on the operating mode, the player not knowing even a seconds, sometimes minutes and sometimes even hours. The interface is different, however, this information is not. And so we come back is comfortable in the bombers, just imagine the time fuse on 2h lashes and two strokes later, flying a the soup around the ears.
Unfortunately lately lost the game a little bit of tension, as some cheating in the office. More and more short memos reveal the inexperienced player as he is quickly called for a pizza without it explode a plate. Exciting generate plasma in the microwave or even a lightning and thunder simulation are a thing of the past unfortunately.