you will have a day trip to Gold Basin no problems with the motivation of their children.
A long holiday only with the experience of panning for gold is not for children but effective. Children quickly lose the stamina, patience and motivation for a topic.
Take care that the children at once a sense of achievement, that is: make gold discovery and will be described in any programs for a Gold Fund guarantee.
I refer here to the panning for gold on a natural stream and not specifically provided for in vats.
are panning for gold it so these two components as adventure / adventure and endurance and patience. These two demands, it is therefore under a hat to get.
My experience has taught me that subsides after 2 to 3 days, the euphoria of the gold washing in the children.
However, there is the possibility of panning for gold in the run to combine with other Adventure.
basis of panning for gold in Rauris I would like to cite some examples of combinations which could be considered.

Pony Riding at Niggelgut, vultures and golden eagles, fish in the pond.
crickets in natural areas, visit the Alpine Zoo Ferleiten, Mountain School - How do I learn to bake bread.
visit to the farm, dam building, rafting, research in the forest, etc.
PS: Do not forget warm spare clothes to get something to eat and warm drinks.
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