If you just feel adventurous, then you should take a trip to the Yukon / Klondike, treat yourself to Dawson City in Canada.
The Goldgräberstad in northern Canada on the border with Alaska.
This is an experience! I've been to Alaska, the Colorado and in many areas Canada's gold washed. Successful you are everywhere. But in the Klondike, it is most exciting.
course, because is near Dawson City. There are at least a couple of entertainment sites to swap over the gold into other things. Finally, Canada is also much cheaper compared to Alaska or the States with the precious U.S. dollars.
following I have written a small guide to getting rich for you. If you stick to it, you are guaranteed to find gold, I can promise. the Klondike sure you know by hearsay. Actually it is a small river that flows near Dawson City in the Yukon. But they represent the legendary Yukon gold fields north of Whitehorse.

However, you should pre book your accommodation. The towns up there are much smaller than we imagine this.
self Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon Territory has only 24 500 Inhabitants.
is therefore also the accommodation offer is not particularly large. I have good experience with Bed & Breakfast - made accommodations.
This is of particular interest to Dawson City. Dawson City itself looks like an oversized earthworm pile: The whole area has been the gold washes over the last 100 years "digested" and debris snakes excreted.
One can not imagine that any spot of the area could have remained undigested. When you see the sign at the entrance of Dawson City and hear the testimony of the people, Remove the gold there, there must nevertheless still some things worth to be found.
comforted you when you arrive immensely. If you stroll along the golden rings along streams flowing to Dawson City, you immediately think, "There just has to be gold in there."
Around the Town of Dawson City (only 2000 inhabitants, but marked on each map) to dig the Creeks dozens of miners and mine owners. With small excavators and tracked everything is dug up, which can be moved. get
yourself to the "Guide to the Goldfields, which is a free newspaper, which exist throughout the Yukon. They get even in Whitehorse. Or you can directly study the "Dawson City Service Guide" with a map of the surrounding gold fields.
is when you really read on the heart: names such as "Bonanza Creek", "discovery claim" or "Bear Creek Mining Camp" make the pulse to bounce up and treat you now not a moment longer. Let's go!
So go on Bonanza Creek along to the "discovery claim" to Admire, who made 1896 Shookum Jim, Dawson Charlie and George Carmack to rich men. anyone see shiny stone that you flashed in the sun, is now studied in detail. Whether it is real gold? How can you tell?

Thus grows in you by the drive to learn the craft of gold washing. Maybe with a guided tour at the Bonanza Creek?
By no means no! It's not fall on a tourist Klitsche pure, the "panning for nothing" offers! There is nothing more genuine.
My tip:
Visit the Gold Bottom Mine. The mine is located on Gold Bottom Creek about 14 km from Dawson City. She can be reached on the Hunker Creek Road (The mine is listed on the map as No.79.). You should spend $ 20-30 for an introduction lesson already. It is cheap and what they get offered for this is incomparable worth knowing.
The friendly smiling red-haired owner of Mine tells you everything you need to know to become a successful gold scrubber. Besides, you learn that it's easy to file a claim. Registration costs only $ 10. For this you get a 300m long and 150 m wide strip along the stream.
It is included the right to surface treatment. For maintenance, you must annually spend about $ 200.
The Gold Bottom Mine is incidentally run by a brother and sister has 70 claims. However, both must earn each year in 3 months as much as others in 12 months.
The soil here that is frozen (permafrost) and it melts in summer to only an approximately 1m thick layer. Only then can work the excavator.
During the remaining time can not be helped, not even with heavy tracked vehicles, which simply slide away on the greasy frozen ground or mud.
If you see the $ 15,000 shaker, and learn that earn the mechanic, who served, be sure to receive $ 80 an hour, the excavator operator $ 50 per hour and get the mine laborers $ 20 an hour, your between periods arisen enthusiasm for Self-making in Canada are probably a little steamed. Even if you hear that the daily yield of a coffee cup is full of gold, the mine owner to remain after deduction of all costs only $ 50,000 in the 3 months.
works the rest of the year, therefore in a different job in the White Horse. Why do you do it all? Because you are of course still the big nuggets hopes that are found from time to time.
that make your heart beat faster every Miners (In the house the way she has an impressive collection of them, because I'm really jealous now!).She herself has a gold-washing machine - a clever invention of the Goldrush era.
on a water- driven metal bowl is washed out by continuous rinsing with a water hose the gold. She proudly points to the picture the daily yield.

Well, if you're not motivated! You can rent a cottage on the mine site for $ 20 per day (tin stove and wood included), the equipment is cheap:
It consists of a blade, (pan) of a tin bowl and some good rubber boots.
If you have experienced all things, endures You no more. So march to the Gold Bottom Creek!
As an experienced panning for gold too, of course, take a spade and your Swiss Army knife. On Crow Creek in Alaska I've also seen that the professionals take too many socks, many cans of beer, a bottle of whiskey cup associated with, a magnifying glass and a hammer.
For $ 20, you can wash the whole day and everything to keep what you find. Because you're smart, you can be from the mine owner only show you where to dig at all in this mud bank and how much ground looks promising.
then you learn fast, true that gold does not shine. All that glitters is gold namely no. When in doubt, simply do the hammer test. If it is fragmented, there is no gold, and if it is flat, it's real. Gold is in fact extremely supple and very heavy.

fall Even the smallest plate between rocks and mud down. This is the secret of the correct gold washing, panning.
you just swing the dish properly with the gold-bearing soil and water.
Sort By and by you in the thick stones, then the sludge parts and small components.
always comes back to fresh water, until you finally see the bottom of the small grains of gold or gold leaf shining through the water.
And the proper swing technique is not difficult. But do not let them show you exactly. Only under the expert guidance it is easy and successful.
So it looks like later after half an hour: you break away from the other people and pull upstream, because there are no other are there, you can whisk away the thick nuggets. Here in the loneliness grows really feel like a real gold panning and adventurers to be.
The first hour in the solitude you are excellent, because your finger from the icy water of the creek have not yet become damp.
keeps the internal heat of the gold rush you warm. In the second hour of the icy cold of the creek passes through the rubber boots and your toes will give significant pain signals.
your back logs and clears up the fact that he not willing yet to spend a single minute longer in this strain. But thank God you have in the third hour of the first tiny grain of precious metal discovered and brought to shore in safety.
The search for a suitable hiding place a little variety in the stubborn pan of black mud. They smile proudly and are ready again to go to the ice-cold water.
can in the fourth hour, are you not more, stooping makes your back even longer, so you go into a crouch, between going through stretching exercises and have already learned to stand on two stones in the stream, so that the feet not in the water.
course, have you tried in between it is to sit down and have a little already rolled a big stone into the water. But he's so damn cold that you have this in their stride quickly.
About the fifth hour I have no experience, because I was fed, but the professionals have told me repeatedly that the remaining hours of the day go so on.

the twilight is all over anyway, since there is then no longer gleam of the precious substance. Then taste the beer - or, depending on the weather - the whiskey, but very good.
evening you deliver your tiny gold flakes in the Minerin or a gold-dust loading in Dawson City from tense and rigid on the scale how many ounces there are as well made.
If you are reasonably good, say the pros, you create gold for $ 100 on an eight hour day.
What a job! If you take your feet out of the icy water and stalk with an aching back to the hut, then you will see the latest, deserves as easy but compared to a European, his daily hundreds!
And what is the fascination? What attracts an ever again then?
the Nuggets. It could be that you caught one that is so big that you do not need a whole year to work.
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