The description and naming of the gold is obtained by location, by size and / or by the method how to win gold.
The name of Gold by Location
If we find gold deposits at the outlet of the original that's called elluviale soaps
All of the deposits washed down the river or beaten gold are called alluvial soaps.
Downstream swept from the goldmines and deposits washed out gold called placer (placer deposit)
Washed, downstream to the shore washed gold called flood Gold
At bends, river obstacles and depressions in the lower layers of alluvial gold is called lasting soaps.
on bends, river obstacles and depressions in the upper layers of alluvial gold is called short-lived soap .
non-visible gold deposits to the original called solid solution. called
The term for the gold at the original deposits are Mountain Gold
The name of the gold after their extraction method
placer: by washing and screening of sand, stone, and gravel mixture of rivers, river bends and obstacles. (Soaps)
Brand Gold: This is the gold recovery by Melting of the ore rock.
The name of Gold by size
Visible gold = free gold
gold dust = Flour
gold grains rounded = bacon
gold grains = flat spot
gold spangles = Flake
Goldkorn = Picker
piece of gold nugget =
While in Canada, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Russia in many places nuggets are found, one encounters in Central European latitudes, mainly for gold dust, gold grains, gold spangles and gold grain.
but also in Central Europe there are exceptions such as the discovery of black gold taler Heinz Martin shows. It was in 2004 a gold nugget the size of 9.64 g. Collector's value of 1.500 €.
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