.... all the way Filzzauberschulen Art I tried to conjure at the weekend ......
accurate said to felt and embroider ..... free .....
so I have several birds with one stone, because on the one I have that now with the first quasi-official (!) Lesson (February / March ...) the Filzzauberschule started. A bit is one the whole, and for the Online Stick course, I've been practicing .... and secondly I made for my best friend a birthday present!!
(Attention flood of pictures !!!!!! As always, I could not decide which I like best ...)
was the color of my friend request "as the flowers here:

Well it's go ... diameter the template about 35 cm:

The result looks like this:

wanted originally I just felt only a slightly larger dish, which comes just in the desired colors of flowers .... and then I thought to myself, I try to use the "make up" (as we call it in the school of magic )....
I would like embroidered much much more, but time was running out and my daughter got a fever over 39 ....( what then on Sunday in a middle ear infection culminated ...)
What beautiful in the photos unfortunately not so to come into, is how the shell by the evening sun the great yarn Anne Lange and the small beads sparkles and glistens, as if it were a fairy tale of 1001 night sprung ......
a magical dish just that I've been reluctant in the hands .... but these are the true and beautiful gifts: to give away what you yourself would like to keep ....

I hope that it will be the new owner every day brought a smile, joy and remembrance of her best friend!
Sunny Glitter Glamour Greetings

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