Monday, December 14, 2009
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If a field at design time the type of assignment is not yet known
(eg partner in quality notifications), the web runtime
be connected. This is possible through the Fuba F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST
. This may be a reference table field are passed, for which he
then displays the F4 help.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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When creating quality reports (QM01) can be defined
follow-up (customizing). updated in order for the creation of orders
and the document flow is the follow-up activity must take place DELIVERY
. This is defined by the Catalog Customizing (QS41).
Thursday, October 22, 2009
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use transaction SO10 texts can be created maintained. By means of
Fuba READ_TEXT They can be read again.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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search support, which are dependent fields are not filled (eg
line item and document number), have their pitfalls. The condition is that both occur
fields in the web as an export parameter and the
identifier search help, search function (eg view) and report / screen
are identical.
Both fields must occur in one and the same structure / table
is used as a reference type for the variable declaration. In this
has created the web again stated explicitly (
origin of the web: 'explicit web connection at the box').
When creating a selection screen as a screen to be used as a variable of Tables
statement. Only then do the
dependencies and the parallel filling of the fields.
Monday, September 14, 2009
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The Post looks at the question of how to read text elements of a
Reports and which tables are stored:
https: / / / message.jspa messageID = 7216948
READ_TEXT_ELEMENTS function module returns all the text symbols of a report
?. With the ABAP command "READ TEXT POOL 'has the same functionality.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Haywood Navigator Problems Over
For a (nursing) View can be created using the SE93 transaction
own. The check mark 'initial screen jumps' should actively
. For the default values in any case a value for the screen field
VIEW NAME indicated. The field can UPDATE with an 'X' used to be
. The SM30-selection screen does not appear then. Will you have this
must instead UPDATE_LTD the field to be filled. can
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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instead of "CALL SELECTION-SCREEN" and "LEAVE TO SCREEN 0" are used
. This can cause problems with the OK code and infinite loops when
screen call can be prevented.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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To change the encoding, the class is useful CL_ABAP_CONV_OBJ
(more information about the class documentation).
RSCP0032 The report can be used for testing and gathering information about
encoding. The function blocks and
ECATT_CONV_XSTRING_TO_STRING can be used for transformations.
The table lists the TCP00 code pages.
FORM USING decode_response pi_xstring type xstring CHANGING pie_string
type string
DATA: lo_eref TYPE REF TO cx_transformation_error,
string lv_errstr TYPE REF TO TYPE
lo_converter cl_abap_conv_obj.
* change the encoding to ISO-8859-1 (only understands the information rate)
CREATE OBJECT lo_converter
incode = '1133' " ISO-8859-1
outcode = '4103' " UTF-8
invalid_codepage = 1
internal_error = 2
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
CALL METHOD lo_converter->convert
inbuff = pi_xstring
outbufflg = 0
outbuff = Pie_string
= 1 OTHERS = 2
IF sy-subrc \u0026lt;> 0 MESSAGE ID sy-msgid
TYPE NUMBER sy-sy-msgty msgno
msgv1 WITH sy-sy-sy-msgv2 msgv3 sy-MSGV4.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Catch The Flu After Flu Shot, 295 582, sid21_gci1207657, 00.html
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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Some external systems have problems importing the WSDL web services to an SAP
. This may be partly due to the policy-are tags. In this case
it helps in the WSDL URL 'ws_policy' with 'standard' to Replace.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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A video tutorial for creating a web service clients find
: / / -41ab-a383-2A10-907faf60eed3
When reading a WSDL URL does not work or
error message occurs when calling the service, which can thus
related to the proxy settings in the SAP wrong / unkempt
are. So we load the SICF and make the settings under
client / proxy settings.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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The logs / traces in the system can be accessed through the SM21. Here
you can also find the RFC Developer Traces, monitor the network traffic
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Is Ginger Good For Overactive Thyroid
CONSTANTS: gc_ne0 TYPE i VALUE '1 ',
gc_eq0 TYPE i VALUE '0',
gc_line_length TYPE i VALUE '100 '.
CREATE OBJECT go_custom_container
container_name = 'CC_INFO'
cntl_system_error = 1 = 2 = 3
lifetime_error = 4
lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
EXPORTING parent = go_custom_container
CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT = => = wordwrap_at_fixed_position
wordwrap_position gc_line_length
wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT = => true.
go_editor-> set_readonly_mode (gc_ne0).
go_editor-> set_statusbar_mode (gc_eq0).
go_editor-> set_toolbar_mode (gc_eq0).
Monday, June 22, 2009
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Usually you put on tables in a maintenance dialog (SE54). To achieve
that only certain Rows or columns are displayed,
can create a maintenance view variant. Also call for the SE54
. As a reference for the variant, take the previously created
maintenance view.
About SE93 you can create a transaction through which one can call the maintenance dialog
directly without having to go through the SM30.
Friday, June 19, 2009
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When reading text files, eg with
cl_gui_frontend_services => GUI_UPLOAD, there may be problems with the
encoding and special characters are displayed incorrectly. If one knows the code page of the document
may make the reader is given for
the characters are correctly implemented.
in the table are TCP00A code pages and the stored internal SAP-ID's.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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the function module TH_POPUP, a system message is sent to a
other users. This appears as a pop-up on his screen
Thursday, May 28, 2009
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tables whose entries are not editable by default in the SE16
can be changed by a trick nonetheless. In the command field must
for '& sap_edit' entered. to find
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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To move the text table to a transparent table, the function module
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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A file on the application server can be renamed by ABAP
(check with AL11). For this and other file commands the class
sample code:
DATA: lo_edi TYPE REF TO cl_ish_at_edi_filetransfer,
ls_exppath TYPE rnwat_edi_filcom.
ls_exppath-exppathtype = 'S'.
ls_exppath-exppath = '/ usr/sap/GLD/DVEBMGS00/work /'.
is_exppath = ls_exppath.
CALL METHOD lo_edi-> rename_file
i_filename_src = 'altes_file.xml'
i_filename_dest = 'neues_file.doc'
= 1 OTHERS = 2
IF sy-subrc \u0026lt;> 0 MESSAGE ID sy-msgid
TYPE NUMBER sy-sy-msgty msgno
msgv1 WITH sy-sy-sy-msgv2 msgv3 sy-MSGV4.
WRITE: / 'File successfully renamed. "
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wendy Calio Bathingsuit
Run your own IDoc with the transaction can WE30 be created. If necessary.
must first new segments are created with WE31.
Can be assigned to any existing IDoc message type, must
addition to the input and output processing, a separate
message type to be created. For this purpose, use the transaction WE81.
The message type is then associated with transaction WE82, the new IDoc.
The name of the IDoc should not exceed 8 characters, so
function modules that are used for Ein-/Ausgangsverarbeitung,
can handle it. Some old but still active as Fuba's
MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE use the old control record format EDIDC that
only names with max. 8 character support.